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Why Waterstones founder is wrong about eBooks

AmazonBook RetailBook SalesBook vs eBookBookstoreeBooksFuture of PublishingOnline Book RetailpublishingPublishing TrendsTraditional BooksWaterstones+-

Tim Waterstone, who founded the bookshop chain of the same name in 1982, argues that traditional books will see off the eBook revolution, and in fact that eBooks are already on their way into decline. About the only thing I do agree with Tim on is that traditional books will endure.


In literary nation Iceland, it is still fashionable to give and receive books at Christmas, and for the most part that industry is still reasonably healthy - pending of course publishing sensations and the ...

High Street Malaise

ecommerceHMVsocial commerceWaterstones+-

This is about the fourth Saturday in a row I have gone into the West End of London and come back empty-handed. High Street shopping is seriously starting to loose its appeal for me, which is quite surprising as I really rather used to enjoy shopping. Online shopping is in danger of totally overshadowing its traditional counterpart.

That said, there are at least three areas where High Street Shopping has the advantage:

  • Sampling - the ability to experience and touch the product/s first-hand,

Adding Value to Intangible Assets

AmazonBrand ValueBrandingiBooksiTunesKindleMediasocial commercesocial mediaSpotifyWaterstones+-

In view of the declining consumption of ’solid media’ that is to say - Printed Media and CDs in particular, it is becoming ever more important to justify / qualify the cost of digital media. A whole generation has grown up with the ’Free Internet’. There are enormous numbers of digital media consumers who pay nothing for the privilege of viewing, reading, listening to or even downloading their daily fix of media.

Back in my childhood days the type and number of media ...

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